Friday, October 30, 2009

A lot of chopping... is it worth it?

I chopped for almost two hours and got a blister on my index finger, with the following result:

I made this Cottage Pie to go along with the aforementioned brown bread. The end result was delicious! And the leftovers were even yummier. But, it was A LOT of chopping. A lot. I didn't mind it too much. I worked on it during an afternoon when I was working from home, so I really took my time with it and enjoyed myself. It wasn't until the very end, when I noticed my blister, that I'd realized just how much chopping there was (and also how I seriously need to get my knife sharpenned--or just get a better knife). But, it was really tasty, and a nice intensive project to keep my mind off of other things. So, I do recommend it. And the good thing about Shepherd's or Cottage Pie: you can put in whatever you have!

And, I promise, I will be back soon with some more knitting blogging.

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