Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kentucky Wool Fest

A few weeks ago, DJ (my husband) and I went to the KY Wool Fest in Falmouth, KY, with his mom and dad. I had never been before, but the festival is huge in the craft collectors-crowd. There are multiple tents where people sell their crafts, lots of food, and, my favorite, wool and fiber! This was my first fiber festival, and I loved it!! The KY Wool Fest is still growing, but I got to meet some lovely women who dye and spin their own yarn--some of whom even raise the sheeps! We had a great time and it has inspired me to keep knitting, and even learn to spin! I purchased a drop spindle (have yet to find time to use) and some roving to get me started.

Here are some of the other goodies I bought:

Sock yarn by LunabudKnits

Handspun yarn by a woman who raises her own sheep:
Of course, there were livestock at the festival! I got to meet this lovely alpaca, along with other animals, including sheeps and even pot-bellied pigs!

I was super excited to watch the sheep shearing. Although I know I saw this as a child, I only started knitting about a year ago, so I did not appreciate what I was seeing back then.
I had a great time and I can't wait to go to more fiber and yarn festivals!! I don't have anymore planned at the moment, but really hope to go to Stitches South next year!


  1. Looks very similar to Rhinebeck. Great loot!

  2. Hi, I found your blog thru Interweave tweet. :) I just graduated from law school too! The yarns look fabulous! I really wanna go to Stitches West in Santa Clara next year. Never been to any fiber festival.
